Call/Text: 07707747003
About Me
Hello, my name is Andrew Smith and welcome to my website.
I first got my license on 13th May 2013, and started taxiing in Hailsham on 16th June 2013 working for one of the local companies.
On 6th April 2016, I decided to transfer to the Polegate branch, eventually parting company with them on the 3rd November 2016.
From the 4th November 2016, I have been an Independent Taxi Driver based at Polegate Station working under the name of STATS.

In June 2017, I decided to define the Taxi side from the Travel side, so I invested in new cards with door signs to match. Initial results from this saw my bookings and the turnover for July increase significantly, August in turn increased by another 25% on top of July's turnover.
On 1st September 2017, I decided to launch this website due mainly to the increased workload and ever increasing customer base.
1 YEAR ON: 4th November 2017 see's the 1st Anniversary of STATS Taxi Service. At this point I would like to thank my customers for their continued bookings, support and in some cases advice over this first year, it has been most enjoyable, many thanks once again to you all.
I genuinely love the job and have not only attracted new customers, but made new friends.
I pride myself on my honesty, I am probably the cheapest independent locally, and my prices are at a level which is also competitive with the companies, and my customers are happy with what I am charging (some even saying, you could afford to charge a bit more), why charge more, if you think my service is worth more, that is what tipping is for. My steadily, yet ever increasing customer base must mean I am doing something right and is testament to that fact. I will aim to keep my prices at a level which I feel is in the best interest of myself and my customers alike.
Since quitting the companies, I am now more relaxed (thanks in no small part to managing my bookings myself) prioritising pre-booked jobs over anything else, as it should be, you have no excuse to be late. All pre-booked work can be found on my website calendar, the time slot I have allocated to complete those bookings as well. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis, and once you have confirmed a booking, you will find your time slot appear on the calendar for the time and dates chosen, for airports and dock work, you will also receive a booking confirmation. You will also find, when I am on holiday, family commitments ie. appointments and events.
My customers often comment, how reassuring it is for them to actually be able to see their bookings online and they can check the details are correct. I get a notification on my phone 30 minutes before I am due to set off on any of my bookings, this time is adjustable and is a great aid to myself as well.
Obviously, immediate pick-ups and customers jumping in at ranks will make it impossible to update the site, for this reason, I kindly ask you to read the Please note section below.
Please note:
I will not answer the phone if I have a customer on board, my priority is to that customer, but if I clear within 10 minutes of your missed call, then I will ring you back. If it is not urgent or an immediate pick-up, then it may be better to text me your booking request, once I have cleared, I will text or ring you back. Also, if ringing from a Ex-directory/Private No. please ensure you leave a number on my voicemail service to call you back on.
My pledge to you the customer:
I will not take a booking that I cannot honour.
Should I for any reason find myself possibly running late, you will get a courtesy call at the earliest convenience informing you and why.
I will listen to customers if and when things do go wrong and respond.
I now have the facility to take card payments, I also accept BACS and Cash.
Please check the calendar for my availability at all times. The website does upload changes very quickly, please text or ring for availability if in doubt.
Finally, if you have read this far, then many thanks for your time and for visiting my website, I look forward to hopefully of being of service to you at some point in the future.
Andrew Smith - STATS, putting customers first.